Learn Employer Branding

and write slick on-brand recruitment content that attracts your dream-fit peeps.



Need a talent magnet brand that pops? 

Take your pick from these self-paced courses for internal recruiters and small business owners who want to confidently write punchy, on-brand recruitment content that attracts and delights their dream-fit people (without suffering copypasteritis or dropping $30k+ on an exy agency 😱 when you'd rather self-develop and lead the show in-house)

We've got your back if:

  • your job ad copy needs a personality transplant
  • your candidate experience sucks and your employer brand messaging is transmitting multiple frequencies
  • your employer brand lacks significance (awareness) because there's no messaging and marketing strategy
  • your small, unknown brand is missing or deterring quality candidates
  • your budget is tighter than the Australian property market


Don't stress. You got options 👇

Job Ad Generator

A short, on-demand course dedicated to every recruiter's archilles heel: job ads. Ditch the generic job descriptions that don't attract quality people, and learn to write persuasive, on-brand copy like a marketing pro.

Learn more

Candidate Captivator

An on-demand course with group coaching for accountability and creative brainstorming to help you turn your snoozy recruitment content into a candidate captivating masterpiece.


Talent Magnet Brand

A 3-month mastermind with 1:1 and group coaching to help you establish your employer brand foundations (positioning, voice) and brand building marketing strategy that attracts dream-fit talent.

Watch the free masterclass